Sunday, January 06, 2008


I did it! My first blog entry... what a kick! Things here in Big D have been rolling along pretty smoothly. The next big event in our lives is the impending arrival of Baby Gunby. He's officially due a week from today on the 13th, but if Lauralee had a choice she'd be at the hospital post-haste. So, tonight the entire fam is heading out for a little Mexican food and tomorrow she and I are talking about Thai. Spicy, spicy, spicy!!! Since having seen you guys in October, there has been a small development in my life. Well, maybe not such a small development but rather a 6'4" development. I met and have subsequently been seeing someone new. Jeff. Great guy - rather Renaissance. Anyone who speaks French and cooks you dinner of red snapper with a celery root, leek and scallion saute on top with roasted potatoes and steamed broccolini is a keeper. He played football in college and semi-pro rugby in a past life; now he's a painter in his spare time of hang-in-your house quality paintings. I have some cute pics from New Years. Will post soon. I hope all is well with you and Happy New Year. Much love, A

Friday, January 04, 2008

More nutlette pics

I may have to get her her own blog... but for now here are a few more pics from yesterday and today...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby girl Nutlette!

Okay, I am on board with reviving the blog... now that I have a cutie to post pics of.

Here she is in her bouncer today... she has been awake watching things all afternoon.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Mel on the blog, with a photo

Hi ladies, the comment was made that the blog might be too much for me. Yes, it has taken quite a bit of effort on my part, but I have conquered the system. So look out, now I can blog and secretly I have always wanted to. Seriously, I do hope we can start using this more it looks like so much fun and so fancy, too. I just made my text blue!

In other news, I am celebrating that it is December. I just worked way too many days and nights in a row and Vijay's schedule has been a disaster. Anyway, things should be better now and supposedly we're going to attempt some further wedding planning/discussions this month. Don't hold your breath, but you'll be the first to know if we actually reach any conclusions. I'm sending this photo because I figured out how to do so-hahahaha.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

a couple of the small Frenzel

Can't resist sharing a few of Luke. I'm getting blog-happy now!